Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Last but not least ....

Dear Friends, 

This is where our wonderful journey ends... Thank you very much to all the people that took the time and had the patience to read us. We hope that you learned something from our articles, or at least got entertained! 

Let's finish our blog on a incongruous note: Kellog's announced that they will be "stamping" the brand kellog's on some of their cereals in order to prevent forgeries. 

As a matter of fact, 128 Billion of bowls of Kellog's cornflakes are eaten every single day all over the world. As any other very profitable market (bags, shoes), such big numbers are encouraging some people to counterfeit these brands. 

"We noticed that over the past few years an increasing number of brands have tried to benefit from our notoriety" said Helen Lyons, food engineer for Kellog's. With that strategy, Kellog's is trying to control the counterfeit effect. 

Kellog's also stated that even if that strategy is feasable, they will not necesseraly implement it. It does seem really complicated and expensive! 

Monday, 26 November 2012

Touch points of "healthy cereals"

Today, we have decided to go directly on the field to see how healthy cereals, more particularly Fitness and Special K are promoted in-store. So, we went to Carrefour Antibes to get real insights of the different touch points.

The first thing to notice is that cereals are mainly sold in supermarkets, in large-scale distribution such as Carrefour, Casino or Leclerc. It is quite logical for a food product which is part of the "feeding routine" of a substantial number of French people.

The first thing we note when we arrived in the cereals aisle is that around 20% of the total surface of the aisle were displaying "healthy cereals". By "healthy cereals", we mean cereals that are sold as being good for your shape and helping you to keep fit.

In the shelves, if we have a look on the "healthy cereals targetting women", we can see clearly the repartition which is made between the different products.

As you can see, 10% are dedicated to the distributor brand: Carrefour Stylesse & Carrefour Form. 

Another interesting point is that these two kinds of products are located exactly at the level of the customers' eyes. 

In fact, it is not unusual to see that distributors put their own products forward in order to benefit from the best exposition and so to multiply their chances to sell their products rather than Special K or Fitness. According to merchandising rules, the placement at the eye level is the best one: when the customer is stading up, his eyes immediately look at the products put at this place. 

As we can also notice, the different kinds of cereals are stored according to their brands and then according to their ingredients: red berries, milk chocolate or honey and nuts...

Let's have a look at the different packaging.

Firstly, we can easily identify the brand to which each pack belongs to. Fitness and Special K have placed their logo in the middle of the pack while Carrefour has put it on the upper part.

Then, there is a common "motto" on these three packagings: the figure of a thin and very deminine woman. However, the three brands have their own way to deal with this common pattern. Fitness and Carrefour are dealing with it quite the same way: we easily recognize the figue of a woman, raising her arms and feeling good. With Special K, it is much more subtle: the "healthy" part of the product is suggested through the movement on the right part of the pack. It evokes the curve drawn by the woman waist.

Generally speaking, the packaging which has the largest number of elements on it is the one of the distributor brand. It reflects the positioning of the distributor which is a bit messy compared to Fitness or Special K. You can get the brand logo, the taste, the figure, the size content, the RDA, pictures of ingredients, a spoon with the product, a blue Carrefour label and the name of the range product "Form". In other words, you can find eveything you want. For Special K, things are really different: the overall look is much more refined and elegant.

If we have a look at the reading sense of the visual/wording on the packaging, we note that Special K is delivering this specific message to every customer that looks at it: "Special K is offering you to get a good body shape and keep fit, eating cereals made of wheat and red berries". This virtuous circle is the perfect answer to your need. Even if you are not really aware of this message, it is what your eyes and your brain are recording, watching at this packaging. 

It is all about subliminal messages...isn't it the point of any effective visual?

Friday, 23 November 2012

Associations: easy way to create long durable brand awareness & knowledge?

We can define "brand awareness" as the extent to which a brand is recognized by potential customers, and is correctly associated with a particular product. Expressed usually as a percentage of target market, brand awareness is the primary goal of advertising in the early months or years of a product's introduction. Concerning "brand knowledge", Keller defines it as «a function of awareness, which relates to consumers’ ability to recognize or recall the brand, and image, which consists of consumers’ perceptions and of associations for the brand.»
Thus, even cereals brands are trying to put in place some associations in order to be as many times as possible in their customers' mind.

Special K set up every summer a campaign of co-branding with Nivea. In this campaign, the two brands are associated to promote both their products. 

So, let's see how it works!

There is a list of products which have codes on them. When you buy these products you get codes. You can go on the website http://www.niveaspecialk.fr/. You subscribe on it. You enter your codes and according to them, you can benefit from a special offer.

For example, if you have bought 2 Special K products (listed for having a code) plus a Good Bye Cellulite Sérum or Gel or My Silhouette, you can get one kit « Belle pour l'été » which offers a vanity and several Special K and Nivea products. 
This campaing is a very clever idea because by this « co-branding », both Special K and Nivea succeed in appealing women interested in their health and good shape by promising them gifts. It is a very good tool to stimulate sales and brand awareness.
 Moreover, it could enable Special K or Nivea to benefit from the customers of the other brand. For instance, women who didn't buy before Special K product could be tempted to to do so because of this promotional offer. It could make them discover the brand and maybe be loyal to it if they appreciate their experience with the brand.

Special K started also a partnership with Reebok to offer a pre-summer experience to women in order to help them to feel more comfortable and confident: Summer Challenge 2011. 

Special K decided to be associated with Reebok because the two brands share the same target audience and market priorities. Their offer was a 2-week challenge combining food and exercise.

However, Fitness seems to be less engaged than Special K through actions of associations. The website of Fitness https://nestle-fitness.com/fr/ is now «under construction» maybe the brand would have rather happy marketing surprises...

The Tweet Shop by Special K

No cash anymore? Dying for a snack? How about paying for a bite to eat by the tweet?

Special K opened in London a pop-up store where you can enter and buy Special K products thanks to your tweets. The store has been created to mark the launch of the brand's new savoury crisps range, with customers asked not for money at the till, but instead a tweet on Twitter about the new snack bag.

"The value of positive endorsements on social media sites is beyond compare so we're excited to be the first company to literally use social currency instead of financial currency to launch this new product in our bespoke Special K shop," said Special K's Sarah Case.

This strategy is very interesting in terms of branding because Special K succeeds in being associated with a very young and trendy social network: Twitter. It would definitely convey a modern and young image of the brand.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

How marketers differentiate the brand from its competitors?

In a more and more competitive environment it is hard to differentiate brands from others on the same segment. Marketers have to find a unique positioning. The most difficult part of the work is to make the consumer trust the brand and join the family.

In order to differentiate a brand from its competitors it is essential to use new ways of communication. Street marketing operations, tribal marketing actions or events dedicated to consumers can be organized. Using these communication tools, the brand will appear more dynamic and closer from its consumer.

Another solution used to differentiate the brand is to create a rupture in its communication and to become a non conventional brand. The consumer will pay more attention to the brand and the products presented.

The relationship between the consumer and the brand

The ultimate goal of a brand is to make the consumer engage with the brand on a functional and even emotional level. Different tools can be used to create this relationship.

The tribal marketing is one of them: the consumer has the feeling that he/she is part of a family. Special K developed a website page where consumers can exchange advices, experiences or recipes.

Then, the brand also created a website named MySpecialK in which you can benefit from personalized advices depending on your weight, age, tastes… Experts can help you through a personalized program in order to lose weight and feel comfortable in your everyday life.
Moreover, in order to make consumer loyal the brand also created a co-branding with Nivea. This way, Special K can benefit from Nivea consumers and awareness. Both brands are stronger using the positive aspect of the other one.

Tools used to make your consumers loyal

In this market, the consumer can easily engage with cereals brands thanks to several tools used by marketers.

First of all, the fact that a gift is given in almost every pack can encourage the establishment of a relationship between the consumer and the brand. This tool is more often used in cereals dedicated to children. Indeed, kids are more likely to be attracted by this kind of argument. As they are purchasing advisor cereal companies have to seduce them before their parents.

Then, regarding adults cereals, marketers pull other levers such as the healthy argument. They claim that cereals are composed of whole- wheat, oatmeal, barley showing cereals image on the pack. In the consumer’s mind the product is entirely natural and healthy. On the pack the product composition is often highlighted in order to prove that the product is made of good components.

Another tool used in order to create a strong relationship between the product and the consumer is the use of cross promotions. While buying their cereals pack they will benefit from a voucher to buy another product of the range such as snack cereals, cereals bar, cereal cookies…

Through several levers, marketers can easily make consumers loyal to their brand. It is a non stop fight against competitors that have quite the same tools to promote their brands.

Cereals market constraints

The cereal market can be considered as a market adapted to everybody.
You can find cereals dedicated to kids, young adults, women taking care of their weight, adults looking for healthy products…
Nevertheless, this market also presents constraints
First of all, cereals are an expensive product that every consumer cannot afford. A pack of cereals costs between 2€20 (discount) to 5€50 (muesli with real fruits). It has been proved that at the end of the month, when people are short of money, cereal’s consumption is slightly decreasing.
Then, cereal composition can be a constraint. Mothers that are taking into account the ingredients composing their child food would not buy a pack of cereals for breakfast. They will prefer fruits, juice, bread and jam. Indeed, kids cereals are not healthy (sugar added, gelling agent…).
Finally, buying cereals means involvement. You are taking part into a community whether you want it or not. Depending on the cereals you are buying you will reflect an image to the others and to yourself. You would love to buy these tasty crunch cereals but you are on a diet, you don’t want to be considered as a greedy person so you will buy the muesli you don’t really like. 


Monday, 19 November 2012

Special K portfolio

The Special K range is very larg and answers to every women's expectations. The brand market is no longer breakfast cereals but also sandwiches, drinks, crisps etc. 

Associate pleasure and diet thanks to an attractive and tasty range.

Crisps for eating without culpability
Ready to drink beverages

A new range of product with Protein and Fibers for more efficiency.

Celebrities and Fitness brand

The Fitness brand makes partnerships with famous people for promoting its products. 

For example, Mel B from the Spice Girls was the ambassador of the International Fitness Week in Malaysia.

Virginie Guilhaume a French anchorwoman represents the brand in France on TV.

Fitness by Nestle marketing strategy

The Nestle Fitness brand strategy communicates on the body benefits of eating its cereals. It doesn’t market ingredients or nutritional information but prefer to advertise the obtained positive results. The target market is young women who are trying to achieve their fitness goals. They care about their personal appearances.

Nestle Fitness differentiates itself by offering a magazine with articles on shape, fashion, seasonal food and fashion specialties, food recipes and beauty information. It has a website you can log in to track your fitness goals, and it includes a work out program you can follow. There is also nutritional education on the website that is intended to guide you through healthy eating for the rest of the day.
The brand loyalty is strong because Fitness brand proposes its customers to download discount coupons that can be used in stores in order to attract them. It is also possible to register to a newsletter and to share advices with other women on a forum. They have the feeling to belong to a community and find help for reaching their fitness goal. Moreover, it is possible to find support everywhere thanks to the Nestle Fitness app available on smartphones.
Here is a sample of meal plan proposed on the brand website. As Special K, cereals can be eaten at every moment and it is not only consumed during breakfast. 

In terms of range, Nestle tends to more and more diversify its products, competing with Special K. For example, it launched new products such as yoghurts for mixing with cereals, low fat beverages, snacks etc.

Fitness launched a still water-based beverage with 20% fruit juice, enriched with active fibres, magnesium, and having a low calorie content. It is produced and distributed by Sanpellegrino and has been awarded the Product of the year prize in 2009, within the “Functional beverages” category.